Hanukkah of Data 2023

krz · December 8, 2023

Are you ready for a thrilling data adventure? Noah’s Rug is an awesome data game that challenges you to solve puzzles using a fictional dataset. Every day of Hanukkah, you can light up a candle and discover a piece of a mysterious tapestry. After the last day, you can test your skills in a speedrun mode. You can use any tools you want to explore the data and find the answers. This is a collection of my solutions with some explanations.

Puzzle 1

read in the data (available on the challenge website)

noahs_customers <- read_csv("../noahs-csv/5784/noahs-customers.csv")

clean the data, especially the names, then split into first and last name

noahs_customers <- noahs_customers |>
  mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, " Jr.")) |>
  mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, " III")) |>
  mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, " II")) |>
  mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, " IV")) |>
  mutate(phone = str_remove_all(phone, "-")) |>
  extract(name, into = c('FirstName', 'LastName'), '(.*)\\s+([^ ]+)$')

function to map letters to their phone buttons

replace_chars <- function(input_string) {
  mapping <- letters
  replacement <- c("2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "4", 
                   "4", "4", "5", "5", "5", "6", "6", "6", "7", "7", 
                   "7", "7", "8", "8", "8", "9", "9", "9", "9")
  for (i in seq_along(mapping)) {
    input_string <- gsub(mapping[i], replacement[i], tolower(input_string))

apply this function

noahs_customers$LastName_Number <- sapply(noahs_customers$LastName, replace_chars)

find the name where phone number and last name matches

noahs_customers |> filter(LastName_Number == phone)

here’s another solution in Julia

using CSV, DataFrames

noahs_customer = CSV.File("../5784/noahs-customers.csv") |> DataFrame
transform!(noahs_customer, :name => ByRow(x -> join(split(x, " ")[2:end], " ")) => :last_name)

transform!(noahs_customer, :last_name => ByRow(x -> replace(x, " III" => "", " IV" => "", " Jr." => "")) => :last_name)

function replace_chars(input_string)
    letters = join(Char.(97:122))
    mapping = Dict(zip(letters, ["2", "2", "2", "3", "3", "3", "4", "4", "4", "5", "5", "5", "6", "6", "6", "7", "7", "7", "7", "8", "8", "8", "9", "9", "9", "9"]))
    for (k, v) in mapping
        input_string = replace(lowercase(input_string), k => v)
    return input_string

transform!(noahs_customer, :last_name => ByRow(x -> replace_chars(x)) => :last_name_transformed)

transform!(noahs_customer, :phone => ByRow(x -> replace(x, "-" => "")) => :phone)

filter(row -> row.phone == row.last_name_transformed, noahs_customer)

Puzzle 2

R solution:

noahs_customers <- read.csv("../5784/noahs-customers.csv")
noahs_orders <- read.csv("../5784/noahs-orders.csv")
noahs_orders_items <- read_csv("../5784/noahs-orders_items.csv")
noahs_products <- read_csv("../5784/noahs-products.csv")

noahs_customers |>
  mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, " Jr.")) |>
  mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, " III")) |>
  mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, " II")) |>
  mutate(name = str_remove_all(name, " IV")) |>
  extract(name, into = c('FirstName', 'LastName'), '(.*)\\s+([^ ]+)$') |>
  mutate(initials = str_c(str_sub(FirstName, 1, 1), str_sub(LastName, 1, 1))) |>
  left_join(noahs_orders, by="customerid") |>
  left_join(noahs_orders_items, by="orderid") |>
  left_join(noahs_products, by="sku") |>
  mutate(order_year = year(shipped)) |>
  filter(initials == "JP" & order_year == 2017 & str_detect(desc, "Bagel")) |>

Julia solution:

@chain noahs_customers begin
    leftjoin(noahs_orders, on=:customerid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_orders_items, on=:orderid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_products, on=:sku, matchmissing=:equal)
    transform(:name => ByRow(x -> join(split(x, " ")[2:end], " ")) => :last_name)
    transform(:name => ByRow(x -> join(split(x, " ")[1], " ")) => :first_name)
    transform(:last_name => ByRow(x -> replace(x, " III" => "", " IV" => "", " Jr." => "")) => :last_name)
    @rsubset occursin.("Bagel", coalesce.(:desc, ""))
    transform(:ordered => ByRow(x -> DateTime(x, dateformat"yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS")) => :ordered)
    filter(row -> startswith(row.first_name, "J") && startswith(row.last_name, "P") && year(row.ordered) == 2017, _)
# Joshua Peterson 332-274-4185

Puzzle 3

R solution:

noahs_customers <- read.csv("../5784/noahs-customers.csv")

noahs_customers |>
  # year of rabbit
  filter(year(birthdate) %in% c(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)) |>
  # cancer
  filter(month(birthdate) %in% c(6,7)) |>
  # address of person from puzzle 2
  filter(str_detect(citystatezip, "Jamaica, NY 11435"))
# select first one because male

Julia solution:

using CSV, DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, Dates

noahs_customers = CSV.File(".../5784/noahs-customers.csv") |> DataFrame

@chain noahs_customers begin
    @rsubset(year(:birthdate) in [1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023])
    @rsubset(month(:birthdate) in [6, 7])
    @rsubset occursin.("Jamaica, NY 11435", :citystatezip)

Puzzle 4

This one was a bit tricky, the result still contains a list of potential candidates that I tried out manually.

R solution:

noahs_customers <- read_csv("../5784/noahs-customers.csv") 
noahs_orders <- read_csv("../5784/noahs-orders.csv") 
noahs_orders_items <- read_csv("../5784/noahs-orders_items.csv") 
noahs_products <- read_csv("../5784/noahs-products.csv") 

noahs_customers |>
  left_join(noahs_orders, by="customerid") |>
  left_join(noahs_orders_items, by="orderid") |>
  left_join(noahs_products, by="sku") |>
# filter bakery items by SKU number
  filter(str_detect(sku, "BKY")) |>
# the person likes to shop early
  filter(hour(ordered) < 5 & hour(shipped) < 5) |>
# I assumed that the person is not too old because she likes to bike a lot
  filter(year(birthdate) > 1970) |>
# I assumed the person lives in a neighbouring are of Jamaica, NY, because she biked there
  filter(str_detect(citystatezip, "Brooklyn") | str_detect(citystatezip, "Queens"))

Julia solution:

using CSV, DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, Dates

noahs_customers = CSV.File("../5784/noahs-customers.csv") |> DataFrame
noahs_orders = CSV.File("../5784/noahs-orders.csv") |> DataFrame
noahs_orders_items = CSV.File("../5784/noahs-orders_items.csv") |> DataFrame
noahs_products = CSV.File("../5784/noahs-products.csv") |> DataFrame

@chain noahs_customers begin
    leftjoin(noahs_orders, on=:customerid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_orders_items, on=:orderid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_products, on=:sku, matchmissing=:equal)
    @rsubset occursin.("BKY", coalesce.(:sku, ""))
    @rsubset(hour(DateTime(:ordered, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS")) < 5)
    @rsubset(hour(DateTime(:shipped, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS")) < 5)
    @rsubset(year(:birthdate) > 1970)
    @rsubset occursin.("Brooklyn", coalesce.(:citystatezip, "")) || occursin.("Manhattan", coalesce.(:citystatezip, ""))
# Renee Harmon 607-231-3605

Puzzle 5

Julia solution

@chain noahs_customers begin
    leftjoin(noahs_orders, on=:customerid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_orders_items, on=:orderid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_products, on=:sku, matchmissing=:equal)
    @rsubset occursin.("Cat", coalesce.(:desc, ""))
    @rsubset occursin.("Staten Island", coalesce.(:citystatezip, ""))
    @rsubset :qty >= 10
# Nicole Wilson 631-507-6048

Puzzle 6

R solution

noahs_customers |>
  left_join(noahs_orders, by="customerid") |>
  left_join(noahs_orders_items, by="orderid") |>
  left_join(noahs_products, by="sku") |>
  group_by(orderid) |>
  mutate(total_cost = sum(wholesale_cost),
         profit = total - total_cost,
         negative_profit_count = sum(profit < 0)) |>
  arrange(desc(negative_profit_count)) |>
# Sherri Long 585-838-9161

Julia solution

@chain noahs_customers begin
    leftjoin(noahs_orders, on=:customerid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_orders_items, on=:orderid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_products, on=:sku, matchmissing=:equal)
    @transform(:total_cost = sum(:wholesale_cost); ungroup=false)
    @transform(:profit = :total .- :total_cost; ungroup=false)
    @transform(:negative_profit_count = sum(:profit .< 0))
    @orderby -:negative_profit_count
# Sherri Long 585-838-9161

Puzzle 7

Julia solution

df = @chain noahs_customers begin
    leftjoin(noahs_orders, on=:customerid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_orders_items, on=:orderid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_products, on=:sku, matchmissing=:equal)
    @rsubset occursin.("COL", coalesce.(:sku, ""))
    transform(:ordered => ByRow(x -> DateTime(x, dateformat"yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS")) => :ordered)
    # remove colors in parenthesis
    transform(:desc => ByRow(x -> replace(x, r"\(\w+\)" => "")) => :desc_clean)

sherri_items = @chain df begin
    subset(:name => ByRow(x -> x == "Sherri Long"))

sherri_dates = @chain df begin
    subset(:name => ByRow(x -> x == "Sherri Long"))

@chain df begin
    @rsubset(Date(:ordered) in Date.(sherri_dates))
    @rsubset(:desc_clean in sherri_items)
# Carlos Myers 838-335-7157

Puzzle 8

Julia solution

@chain noahs_customers begin
    leftjoin(noahs_orders, on=:customerid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_orders_items, on=:orderid, matchmissing=:equal)
    leftjoin(noahs_products, on=:sku, matchmissing=:equal)
    @rsubset occursin.("COL", coalesce.(:sku, ""))
    transform(:name => length)
    @orderby -:name_length
# James Smith 212-547-3518

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