Hanukkah of Data 2023

Are you ready for a thrilling data adventure? Noah’s Rug is an awesome data game that challenges you to solve puzzles using a fictional dataset. Every day of Hanukkah, you can light up a candle and discover a piece of a mysterious tapestry. After the last day, you can test your skills in a speedrun mode. You can use any tools you want to explore the data and find the answers. This is a collection of my solutions with some explanations.

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Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis

Bayesian statistics is a powerful and elegant framework for data analysis that allows us to incorporate prior knowledge, uncertainty, and learning from data into our statistical reasoning. In this entry, I will introduce the conceptual foundations of Bayesian data analysis and show how it can help us solve challenging problems that classical statistics may struggle with.

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Re-entrancy attacks in Smart Contracts

I’ve been playing around with smart contracts recently. In this post I explain a re-entrancy attacks, a common security flaw in many smart contracts. Re-entrancy attacks occur when a smart contract function temporarily abandons the transaction’s control flow by making an external call to a contract written by unknown or hostile actors. This allows the latter contract to make a recursive call to the primary smart contract function to drain its funds.

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